Musings of a Man Without A Plan

Friday, December 16, 2005

The Meek Shall Inherit...

Squirrels bit to death a stray dog which was barking at them in a Russian city in the far east. After the minute-long attack, witnesses saw squirrels scurry away with pieces of dog meat.

Here is the link to the complete story -
Now this provides us with a whole new perspective on things.... The Meek... They Shall Inherit...


Anonymous said...

ah so the blog bug has finally beaten u!
keep blogging!

Anonymous said...

oyee there!! get a move on. I magine having to write to you on the blog when all i need to do is look over my table and find you staring into the comp!! nice blog, keep writing. I knew one day my 'habits' would rub off to you he he he!!

Anonymous said...

:) welcome to blogworld.. we should have those meets more often.. and then get credits from the blogspot for converting :):) ok its not me.. just those thiniges i am on..


Shiva said...

Dreamz... stop calling me names like TomCat pls ;)
Godo... yes the bug has bitten but what the heck...I am eminently bite-worthy...
And you
And hi dreams, if blogspot is paying for getting in people, we can work a scam out, I have figured out a way to multiple-register myself using an automated script;)